How the conference and NIS2 meetup in Brno went

In October 2024 we organized a conference and NIS2 meetup

This time our annual conference was hosted by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno University of Technology. The conference was opened by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. RNDr. Vladimír Aubrecht, CSc. The event took place on October 22, 2024 and was combined with the traditional NIS2 meeting.

We were pleasantly surprised by the interest shown by students and professionals, with more than 230 people registering, exceeding the capacity of the hall. Of course, we know that not everyone will turn up, but we offer presentations to all registrants as standard and also provide a recording of the NIS2 Meetup presentations.

The unique concept of our NIS2 Meetups has now moved to Brno, after the successful organisation in Ústí n. L. and Prague, thus completing our "tour" of this travelling event this year. So far, more than 400 experts have visited or watched our meetups. If circumstances and time permit, we would like to continue our tour to the south of Bohemia next year, and we do not want to miss the north of Moravia either.

The event was free of charge to attendees, and was traditionally combined with networking and accompanying stands from our partners. Among them were commercial organisations as well as representatives of the public authorities (see below). Colleagues from FEKT BUT in Brno prepared a parallel workshop for secondary school cybersecurity teachers. This one-day event was organised as part of the Festival Bezpečného Internetu (Safe Internet Festival).

Attendees were able to attend the following presentations

Introduction of the Master of Science in Cybersecurity proCyber professional education

  • doc. Ing. Petr Číka Ph.D., FEKT VUT v Brně

OT Security - History and current views on security around the world

  • Ing. Jiří Kasner, COLSYS - AUTOMATIK, a.s.

OSINT by VeInKyS of the Army of the Czech Republic

  • representative of the 92nd cyber warfare group

Current state of cybersecurity education

  • Ing. Willi Lazarov, FEKT VUT v Brně

NIS2 and the new Cyber Security Act - how the rules of the game are changing

  • Mgr. Jiří Hradský, SEDLAKOVA LEGAL s.r.o.

Navigating the new Cyber Security Act - experiences, advice and the role of a cybersecurity manager

  • Ing. Martin Konečný, MBA, s.r.o.

Technical infrastructure for the Cyber Security Act/NIS2 and introduction of Czech alliance partners

  • Digital identity security

    • Petr Cipryš, MONET+, a.s. (ProID)

  • Flowmon & NIS2

    • Nick Vlasov, Progress

  • The role of logmanagement in the implementation of NIS2

    • Luboš Lunter, Logmanager a.s.

Zero Trust Architecture for the Cyber Security Act/NIS2

  • Ing. Michal Čížek, GoodAccess s.r.o.

NIS2 meetup partners

Content from our NIS2 meetup partners

Zabezpečení denní rutiny zaměstnanců
Nový zákon o kybernetické bezpečnosti prakticky
Zero trust architektura pro středně velké společnosti krok za krokem
nZKB newsletter - Martin Konečný |

Main partner of the meetup

Media partner

Conference partners

  • Army of the Czech Republic


  • Exclusive Networks

  • The National Cyber and Information Security Agency (NÚKIB)

Photo gallery

The author of the photos is Rudolf Kovář.